Emergency & Safety of Life Communiations
Our Role in Marine Radio
Situations that may arise include, but are not limited to:
• A scenario where the vessel's master believes there is a grave or imminent danger
• A vessel with hull damage at risk of sinking
• A sinking vessel whose passengers and crew are abandoning ship
• A vessel that has experienced mechanical or equipment failure, cannot maintain its course, and is drifting or at the mercy of wind and tide
• A vessel with injured or ill persons on board
• A vessel whose commander, responsible for safe navigation, is injured or incapacitated, with no one else on board capable of safely navigating back to port
• A vessel that has run aground and is unable to free itself
• An aircraft that has crashed or made an emergency water landing
• Individuals who have fallen overboard
• Individuals in distress in the water
• A missing or overdue vessel or individuals on water, reported as such to the appropriate agency
• Assisting other emergency services during disaster events upon request